Category: tail / nose





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A common tail repair for a #fishsurfboard

This board was in a nearly new condition –

A Strive classic fish 5’10

and now correctly repaired for longevity.

Resin tinted, fully glassed and glossed all this £30.




A rebuilt and fully glassed repair with time proven techniques.



Enjoy Mark 🙂


Nose tip gone…


glassed for strength ..


ready for the ocean.

Enjoy Durban Dave.






Leash damage…


Resin tinted and fully reinforced with multiple layers of glass and a curvaceous profile to add strength to this area of impact.


Bing Darma Surfboard 

Click above on the link for board info.




Looking forward to 2017 🙂

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Imagine surfacing from a wipeout or a dismount and seeing your leash rope has cheese wired the tail of your surfboard.

Session ended 😦

Go and check / shorten your leash rope –

hope this helps as its extremely common.



Before and after 🙂

This longboard tails was shot, fragile rotten foam with age old previous repair work.

Cut out the old, replace with new foam – shape and glass.

I gave this log more of a square tail as its a single fin with a little more tail rocker,

(all subtle) for increased turning and noserides.

ps I dig the patina on this log.



Full carbon nose rebuild,

rebuilt to last.


Enjoy George 🙂


  1. Snapped n crushed foam, one knock and it will separate 😦
  2. I add support to the stringer, then fill and stagger the glassing to maintain flex.
  3. Top 2 x 4oz with fully wrapped rails (that’s where the strength is).
  4. Bottom which joined together amazing well, plus 1 x 4oz .

Enjoy Andy.

#surfboard #repair #bmth

Jeff the Ding Man